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What is Low Vision
Low vision is a visual impairment that cannot be fully corrected with regular eyeglasses, contact lenses, medication or surgery. Despite all conventional treatment, vision remains blurred or distorted, and it interferes with the ability to perform every day activities such as reading, writing, and shopping.
What are the major causes of low vision? Is it part of getting older?
Low vision can result from a variety of diseases, disorders, hereditary factors or injuries that affect the eye. Some of the most common causes of low vision are Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, Diabetic Retinopathy, Optic Atrophy, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Cataracts, and Stroke. Some normal aging in our eyes and vision occur as we get older; however, these changes usually do not lead to low vision. Your eye care professional can tell the difference between normal changes in the aging eye and those caused by eye diseases.
How do I know if I have low vision?
There are many signs that can signal vision loss. For example, even with your regular eyeglasses, do you have difficulty:
- Recognizing faces of friends and relatives?
- Doing things that require you to see well up close, like reading, cooking, sewing, or fixing things around the house?
- Picking out and matching the color of your clothes?
- Doing things at work or home because lights seem dimmer than they used to?
- Reading street and bus signs or the names of stores?
Gain independence
Recognize faces
Resume hobbies
Varity of Low Vision AID Product
CCTVs (closed-circuit Tvs)
Eyeglass Lenses
Non-Optical Aids
Advance Electronics Low vision aid Products
See up close
Keep in touch
Enjoy activities
Rediscover the Joys of Reading.
- Lightweight, portable, battery operated system with handle.
- Read along with your monitor.
- Have your book read to you with a loud , natural human voice.
- Save and open your favorite reading materials.